


Properties of OXABOL

This drug against the background of other AAS stands out for its versatility. Thanks to this, it is actively used by representatives of various sports disciplines. In bodybuilding with its help athletes conduct strong drying courses, and in cyclic disciplines you can significantly increase endurance. Having a powerful anabolic effect on the body (320 per cent of testosterone), on the course of this drug you will not be able to gain a large amount of mass.

Among the positive effects of anabolic can be distinguished:

  • Possesses strong fat-burning properties.
  • Accelerates the processes of fluid utilisation.
  • Allows you to increase not only strength parameters, but also endurance.
  • Inhibits the work of globulin.

Based on the considered properties of the steroid, the reason for its popularity among athletes, weightlifters, cyclists, lifters, etc. becomes clear. Representatives of these disciplines, the steroid helps to quickly increase strength and endurance, but there is no significant increase in body weight. It was mentioned above that Stanozolol is used in bodybuilding primarily for strong fat-burning courses. In addition, when it is combined with other AAS, it is possible to gain quality mass.

Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and is completely devoid of aromatisation ability. Today, pharmaceutical companies produce tablet and injectable versions of Stanase. The second drug many athletes by habit call Winstrol. It is under this trade name that the first steroid in injections based on Stanozolol appeared on the market.

The fact is that the active substance of the anabolic immediately enters the bloodstream and is not destroyed in the digestive tract. As a result, on the course it shows a higher androgenic activity compared to tablets. This suggests that even with its use by men should not completely exclude the possibility of androgenic negative effects. However, when using the drug in the recommended doses, they are observed very rarely. It should also be noted that Stanaza has low androgenicity, compared to the male hormone, this indicator is no more than 30 per cent.

Additional information

active substance


Amount of substance, mg


release form


1 tablet, mg



Basic laboratories

order size

Bag (100 tablets)


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